Pre-order products

Pre-Order products are items that you want sell now, but can't be fulfilled and/or delivered until later in the future. Common use-cases include:

  • Whole turkeys
  • 1/4 beef/pork deposits
  • Seasonal / fresh seafood
  • Holiday gift boxes

Video Guide

Creating Pre-Order Items

Pre-order items are created in your products dashboard similar to standard items.


  1. From your admin dashboard click Products > All Products
  2. On the top-right, click Add Product and set the Type to Pre-order
  3. Setup your name & pricing like you would any other product and click Save
  4. Select the Checkout tab to configure your pre-order purchasing flow:
    • Set your Flow option to Standard or Beta.
    • With the Schedule setting, you're able to assign unique ordering dates to this item. If you want to create a new schedule this item specifically, you'll need to create one.
      • Enable the Estimate setting if you'd like your delivery dates to display as "Estimated Delivery By".
    • The Delivery Method, setting applies to the Beta flow only and will override the customer's assigned Delivery Method and Schedule using the selected Delivery Method's settings.


Enabling the Estimate setting for your schedule is strongly recommended unless you know the exact delivery/pickup dates for your pre-order item.

Managing Pre-Orders

Pre-order items are purchased via an instant checkout flow so that it can be separated from the delivery schedule assigned to the main shopping-cart.

Because of this, pre-orders will appear in your system as one-off orders under the Pre-Order status, with the delivery date based on the pre-order schedule you assigned in step 4. From here, pre-orders can be fulfilled and managed as normal.


💡 Subscriptions & Pre-orders

Another benefit of pre-order items is that the instant checkout path will not interfere with your customer's existing subscription order & delivery schedule. It'll create a new one-off order, without the subscription incentives applied.

Note* New pre-order flow is only available on the All Access, Pro, Business, and Customer Enterprise Plans

GUIDE: Selling Freezer Meat

Below is our recommended configuration for selling custom freezer meat (quarters, halves, & wholes) using Pre-Order Products.

GUIDE: Thanksgiving Turkeys

Below is our recommended configuration for Thanksgiving Turkeys (or any other holiday seasonal item) using Pre-Order Products.


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